Autism Creature is a Yipee which is unofficially associated with Autism which is a complex neurological condition that affects an individual’s social skills, communication, and behavior. It is a spectrum disorder, which means that the symptoms and characteristics of autism can vary greatly from person to person. There is no known cure for autism, but early diagnosis and intervention can help individuals with autism lead fulfilling and productive lives.

History of Autism

The first known description of a person with autism was made in 1799 by French physician Jean Itard. However, it wasn’t until the 1940s that autism was recognized as a distinct disorder by Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger, two researchers who independently identified a group of children with similar symptoms. The term “autism” was first used by Kanner in 1943 to describe a group of children who had difficulty relating to others and exhibited repetitive behaviors.

Facts about Autism

  • Autism affects an estimated 1 in 54 children in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Autism is more common in boys than girls, with a ratio of about 4 to 1.
  • There is no one specific cause of autism, but research suggests that genetic and environmental factors may play a role.
  • Autism is a lifelong condition, but early intervention can help individuals with autism develop important social and communication skills.
  • Some individuals with autism also have intellectual disabilities, while others have exceptional abilities in areas such as music, math, or art.

Myths about Autism

  • Autism is caused by bad parenting or a lack of love and affection. This is not true. Autism is a neurological condition that is not caused by parenting style or a lack of love and affection.
  • Individuals with autism are all the same. This is not true. Autism is a spectrum disorder, which means that individuals with autism can have a wide range of symptoms and characteristics.
  • Autism can be cured. This is not true. While there is no cure for autism, early intervention and therapy can help individuals with autism develop important skills and improve their quality of life.
  • Individuals with autism are not capable of feeling emotions or empathy. This is not true. Individuals with autism may have difficulty expressing their emotions or understanding the emotions of others, but they are capable of feeling a full range of emotions and can be empathetic.


The “Autism Creature” or “TBH Creature” or “Yippee” is a character that was created by a graphic designer named Adam Dylewski as a logo for his design company, TBH Creative. The design features a colorful, cartoonish creature with a puzzle piece on its head, which is a common symbol used to represent autism. However, it’s important to note that this design is not an official symbol or mascot for autism, and it is not endorsed by any major autism organizations. Some individuals with autism and their families may find the use of this character as a representation of autism to be problematic or offensive, as it can perpetuate stereotypes or misconceptions about the disorder. As with any representation of autism, it’s important to approach it with sensitivity and respect for the diverse experiences of individuals with autism.


The origins of the “Autism Creature Yippee” are not entirely clear. It appears to have first gained attention on social media platforms, particularly on Tumblr and Instagram, where users began sharing images and memes featuring the character. The design of the character is simple, featuring a brightly colored creature with a wide smile and large eyes.

It’s unclear who first created the “Autism Creature Yippee” or what their intention was in creating it. Some individuals with autism and their families have found the character to be relatable or comforting, as it represents a whimsical and positive view of autism. However, others have criticized the character for perpetuating stereotypes or trivializing the challenges faced by individuals with autism. It’s important to approach any representation of autism with sensitivity and respect for the diverse experiences of individuals with autism and their families. Rather than relying on caricatures or stereotypes, it’s important to prioritize understanding, acceptance, and support for individuals with autism and their families.

Why it is inhuman to make Autism Creature meme?

It’s inhuman to make a meme on Autism Creature Yippee or any other symbol related to autism because it can be hurtful, offensive, and perpetuate harmful stereotypes about individuals with autism. Autism is a neurological condition that impacts individuals in various ways, and individuals with autism and their families deserve to be treated with respect and sensitivity.

Memes or jokes that make light of or poke fun at autism can be hurtful to individuals with autism and their families. They can reinforce negative stereotypes or misconceptions about the disorder, and perpetuate stigma and discrimination against individuals with autism. It’s important to prioritize understanding, acceptance, and support for individuals with autism and their families, rather than perpetuating harmful stereotypes or stigma. We should strive to create a more inclusive society where individuals with autism are recognized and valued for their unique strengths and experiences, rather than ridiculed or excluded.

Autism Creature Plush

Autism creature plush or Autism creature Yippee plush are available on online services like Amazon, Etsy, Ali express etc. Similarly the same are available on toy stores as well. However, it’s important to note that the “Autism Creature Yippee” is not an official symbol or mascot for autism, and any plush or merchandise related to this character may not be endorsed by major autism organizations. Some individuals with autism and their families may find the use of this character as a representation of autism to be problematic or offensive, as it can perpetuate stereotypes or misconceptions about the disorder. It’s important to approach any representation of autism with sensitivity and respect for the diverse experiences of individuals with autism and their families. It’s also important to prioritize understanding, acceptance, and support for individuals with autism and their families, rather than perpetuating harmful stereotypes or stigma.

Other Autism friendly plush instead of unofficial mascot Autism creature plush

Several plush toys have been designed specifically with sensory sensitivities in mind and can be appropriate for individuals with autism. Here are some options you may want to consider:

Sensory Moon

This plush toy is made from a soft, velvety fabric and has different textures and patterns to explore.

Weighted Plush Toys

Some plush toys come with weighted inserts that can provide a calming and comforting effect for individuals with autism. Huggable Weighted Plush Toys, for example, come in different animals and sizes and are designed to be both soft and comforting.


These plush toys are made from a soft, squishy material that can provide tactile stimulation for individuals with autism. They come in a wide variety of animals and sizes.

Chewy Toys

Chewy toys are designed for individuals who need to chew or bite on things for sensory input. Some examples of chewy plush toys include the Chewigem Chew Necklace or the Chewable Pencil Toppers. It’s important to note that different individuals with autism have different sensory needs and preferences, so it’s important to consult with the individual or their caregiver to determine which plush toy would be most appropriate and helpful.


In conclusion, the “Autism Creature Yippee” is not an official symbol or mascot for autism, and any use of this character as a representation of autism may not be endorsed by major autism organizations. While some individuals with autism and their families may find the character to be relatable or comforting, others may find it problematic or offensive, as it can perpetuate stereotypes or misconceptions about the disorder. It’s important to approach any representation of autism with sensitivity and respect for the diverse experiences of individuals with autism and their families. Instead of relying on caricatures or stereotypes, it’s important to prioritize understanding, acceptance, and support for individuals with autism and their families. This can include advocating for inclusive policies, promoting research and education on autism, and creating safe and supportive environments for individuals with autism to thrive.

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