Author: Amanda Henderson

Teaching self-care to kids involves helping them develop healthy habits to follow daily. While kids are fast learners, they take time to incorporate new habits. Hence, parents need to be consistent in their efforts and guide children at each step of the way. That’s why Tiny Teeno has assembled this self-care guide that every parent should consider sharing with their child.
Taking Care of Physical Health
As suggested by the CDC, children aged between 3-5 years need consistent physical activity throughout the day. Additionally, those between the ages of 6-17 years should engage in any type of exercise for at least 60 minutes daily.
There are various ways parents can help kids meet these requirements. When it comes to toddlers, a daily visit to the playground is a great way to allow them to burn their never-ending energy. If you feel they require additional activity, consider adding a walk or a game of tag at home to the daily schedule. If you live in an area with a high walk score, choose to walk to some of your errands or to window shop. This plan can keep your little one active while you check some items off your “to do” list.
Older kids should be encouraged to take up sports in school or enroll in their local sports team. In addition to physical fitness, sports are a great way to teach kids about teamwork, respect, and responsibility.
Developing Healthy Eating Habits
Donuts, cookies, frosted cereal, cake, and candy bars, are some of the favorite snacks kids supposedly love. However, as reported by, these items are ideal examples of ultra-processed foods which are linked to the risk of obesity and high blood pressure in children.
Once kids develop the habit of eating processed foods, it can carry on well into adulthood. Hence, it is important to educate them on the difference between unhealthy and healthy snacks. Fresh fruits, yogurt, granola bars, and popcorn are good examples of healthy snacks which should be included as a regular part of a kid’s diet. However, to ensure the child eats healthy, you as the parent need to set an example. This can be done by eating home-cooked food, which your child can help prepare, making a grocery shopping list and sticking to it when at the store, and teaching kids to read nutritional labels.
Make sure that you and your child also develop positive relationships with your healthcare providers. Visiting doctors can be scary, so set a good example by getting your regular checkups in addition to sick care to show your kids the importance of these practices. If you don’t have health insurance, look into the low-cost programs your state adopted as a result of the Affordable Care Act. These programs make healthcare an affordable option for more people, including low income families and freelance workers.
Learning How to Unplug
In today’s technology-driven world it is not uncommon for kids to spend hours each day using gadgets. Whether watching cartoons on a tablet, playing games on a mobile phone, or using social media, a major part of their day is spent using technology. And parents can be found guilty of this behavior as well.
As reported by the Addiction Center, engaging in these activities results in a strong dopamine response in our brain. As a result, our mind associates watching a video or using social media as a reward and constantly seeks it. This is one of the main reasons why individuals spend hours scrolling on social media, even if the content consumed does not provide any educational value. In the long term, this can have various negative impacts on a child’s mental health. It includes creation of short attention spans, high stress levels, and, in extreme cases, lead to social media addiction.
Hence, create a daily routine that includes a few hours with your child dedicated to using no technology. For instance, once you come home, spend time talking about the day, solve a puzzle, read a storybook, or cuddle until they fall asleep. During the day kids should be encouraged to explore creative activities such as painting, drawing, or make a visit to their friend’s home to play.
Teaching About Mental Healthcare Practices
There are many simple ways to help your child learn to care for their mental health. One is through communication. Work to cultivate a feeling of positivity in the home, in which thoughts are shared without fear of criticism and negativity. Help your children gain confidence through some natural, old-fashioned interactions.
Help your children understand how physical spaces can affect their mental well-being. Ask them how they feel when their room is messy and cluttered versus when it is clean and organized. They will likely express that the clean room is more calming and comfortable, which is backed by science. Give them some simple organizational strategies to make decluttering a fast way to regain calmness in their living space.
Be a Positive Role Model
While all these habits will benefit your child in various ways, it will be hard to make them understand their importance. But, while words may not do the trick, your actions will. Research has shown that children model behavior based on their parents, hence if you follow healthy habits, so will they. Teaching self-care habits – including staying healthy, learning how to unplug, and creating a daily routine to children needs to be a long-term commitment from parents. On the way, not only will your child learn to live a healthy lifestyle, but so will you.